Friday, May 13, 2016

Canterbury Duathlon

This week a group of our students participated in the Canterbury Duathlon.

1 comment:

  1. Hey it's Connor!
    I'm enjoying my new school, the funny thing is yesterday i just did the high ropes course AGAIN, but it was still just as fun.

    If you look at the third image down on this blog (the one with the "flynnncibles" as the main focus of the image) you will see two blurred boys in a red shirt behind the "flynnncibles". The one with black hair is Ruben Walker, and the one with ginger hair is Michael Flanagan. The both are good friends of mine and go to my new school. (my schools website).

    Anyway could you please share this with the class.
    I promise Ill come visit one day, Guaranteed on pet day.
    And one more message for Lydia unicorns a real!

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    To Room.8
